Posts with tag: "cat calendar"
Another Cat Calendar
Friday, November 23, 2018
Another Cat Calendar

It's been four years since I last did my all-cat calendar but we have another one for 2019! But it's a personal calendar, one designed for cat brothers Vincent and Winston. Their mom Monica had outfits for every month for them. These boys were great. Well, Vincent didn't love outfits... he usually only had one expression... but he put up with it, which, truth be told, kind of astonished me. As the caretaker of my two cat boys, they don't like to dress up that much. Well, not at all. But these guys went through all 12 months.I would photograph one of them first, usually Winston, the gray boy, and then Vincent. And in Photoshop I would put the two of them together in appropriate settings. I ...

Are You Looking for a Cat Calendar?
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Another Cat Calendar

I mean, who doesn't want a cat calendar. One with cats dressed up in office attire. Set in cubicles. Cats who are IT experts. Surrounded by servers. Wearing costumes and hats. And a calendar with made-up cat holidays. That is pure gold, my friends.I am pleased to announce you can buy your own 2015 IT Cat Calendar from the Sophos Store! Now why am I shilling for Sophos? I photographed all of the cats in it! The calendar is only $7 with FREE shipping. Free! Who doesn't like free? And only $7! Who doesn't like only $7!A little background... last October, I was contacted by a gentleman about photographing cats dressed up in clothing. I gotta admit, I was dubious. "Cats photographed in what? In ...