Posts with tag: "pet photography video"
Must See My Pet Photography Video!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Must See My Pet Photography Video!

It's of Carina, the absolutely charming Maltese I wrote about in my last post. I finally got a chance to show it to her mom Janice. She laughed, she cried, she loved it! I want to share it with you. It's a little different from those I usually create, mostly because there are two sessions combined into one, so we used two songs. And I interviewed Janice about Carina for something different I was going to do but the audio quality I got from the Rode lavalier mic for the iPhone I used was so good I decided a few snippets here and there would just make the video better.It's really a fun video of our pet photography sessions and even though there are two photo shoots on here, it does give you a ...

Dare I Say -- Ice Cream Social? Score!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Must See My Pet Photography Video!

 I know, I've used that in a headline who knows how many times. But our event at the most excellent Maxwell Dog in Studio City was an absolutely amazing photo shoot! I was blown away by all the cuteness that entered the boutique that day. Some dogs liked the frozen yogurt; some liked it if peanut butter was smeared on the top; some wouldn't touch the doggy yogurt with a 10-foot stick; and others parents wouldn't let them touch it because of allergies.But we had a great time. We had 26 dogs! Can you believe it? Morgan of Maxwell Dog and my assistant Vicki made ice cream cones until their hands were ready to fall off and Morgan became a great coach in teaching people how to hold the cone ...