Check Out My Circus Posters
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Tuesday, July 28, 2020
By Diana Lundin
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I had an event earlier this year called the The Untamed Beasts Traveling Circus and Slobber Show in which I photographed dogs on a circus set. An elephant plinth, a circus background and a bunch of cute props. It was quite successful and I was just about starting another one in March for Shelter Hope Pet Shop in Thousand Oaks just before the lockdown started. By that point, things were getting dicey so we canceled it, hoping we could do it later.

We haven't so far but one of the dog owners who had signed up still wanted a shoot for her dogs. So in her garage, wearing masks and keeping our distance, we photographed all three with the striped backdrop. I made a gallery for her to choose from and her husband, in the meantime, found circus posters he really liked. Before you know it, I was creating circus posters! I'm not a graphic designer but I figured how hard could it be? Well, it was pretty hard, come to find out, but everything I needed to know, I either figured it out or watched a tutorial on Photoshop.

I made all three and they turned out really cute, if I must say so myself.

I'm not sure... should I do the old shoot again or create posters like these and drop them in? Hmmm, decisions. Let me know what you think.

The original shoot (which I still love) can be seen here.

And the posters are below.

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