I Know Why the Caged Cat Stares
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015
By Diana Lundin
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los angeles pet photographySo I'm not really an artistic photographer, though my pet photography work these days is veering more conceptual... but not too much. I don't want to look inaccessible, I'm just having a little fun. My friend Cheryl just let me know she had a new kitten. A male orange tabby by the name of Henry. And so I had to pay a visit. With my camera... and a few props I hadn't had the chance to use before.

Henry was found in one of her friend's garage. Now everyone knows, the shelters are full this time of year. But Cheryl, who already has two cats and two dogs, had room for one more in her house.

At first, they thought Henry was gray. But as they wiped him more and more, they found he was an orange cat. His ears and chest are still smudged from starting his life out lost in a garage.

But let me tell you one thing... Henry is living the dream now. He is adorable and friendly, two great traits to have when you're a cat. You still love the shy and weird ones but the friendly ones just make it that much easier.

I had a flash with me and this little bird cage I bought for half price earlier this year. I had visualized how I would create this image for some time before executing it. It isn't at all like I originally envisioned. I thought a composite with miniature dogs was the direction I would be taking. But this was a complete surprise. It looks like you would find it on the cover of a children's book. I kind of love it.

I introduce you to Henry, the 7-week-old kitten.

By the way, I put my money where my mouth is and ordered both of these images on metal strictly to put in my office so I could stare at Henry Grant. I also ordered one of my own cat Kiwi to stare at and as soon as Mango is cooperative, I will get one of him, too. Portraits of cats on my walls? Yes, please!

Want a pet photography session for your own beloved one? I am Diana Lundin, I am a Los Angeles pet photographer. Give me a call at 818.481.5214.

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