The First Rule of Fight Club...
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Thursday, November 03, 2016
By Diana Lundin
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I recently photographed four Savannah cats and a kitten for a client. There were four dogs involved, too, but we won't go there. It's not necessary to talk about them on a Savannah Fight Club post. The First Rule of Savannah Fight Club... you don't talk about dogs.

Anyhow, Savannahs are a little wild, you know. They're a cross between an African serval and a domestic cat. They're gorgeous. Long legs, beautifully spotted fur. And they can be a little tough. As one of my friends says, cats play with feather toys. Savannahs destroy them.

The whole shoot was on gray seamless paper. To get their attention, we brought out a few feathered toys. The Savannahs liked that. So we ended up getting a lot of good photos. But here's the thing... whenever I get a chance to photograph on gray seamless paper, it's just an invitation to make a composite. So yes, I made a composite. It's so funny, the Savannahs just fly through the air trying to catch the feather cat teaser and when I looked at the images, I was struck how they looked like they were boxing. Their little paws were raised as fists, they floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. I mean, really, you look at these photos and that's what you see. Hmmm, unless you see "Dancing with the Stars." Now that's another possibility.

So that's where my Savannah Fight Club comes from. I procured some boxing elements, a ring, some gloves, a bow tie and whistle for the ref and bam, fight club. Yes, I know the movie isn't about boxing. But come on, Savannah Fight Club... much yes to that.

What do you think? I think it's a Storytelling Session image is what I think. Ready for your own? Come on, they are a blast to create. Not just for me, but for you, too. Shoot me an email or give me a call and let's put your pets in their own story.

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