The Cone of Shame Photo Shoot
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Friday, February 03, 2017
By Diana Lundin
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Late last year, I photographed two beautiful dogs for a commercial client, KVP International. The product? The Cone of Shame! You know what I'm talking about, right? The post surgery E-collars. I've seen some pretty funny photos featuring the cone of shame. This shoot wasn't about producing funny photos. We produced great scenic photos in the California wilds -- oak trees, grasses, rocks, mountains, maybe even a little sliver of ocean.

Now I'm telling you about last year's shoot because the catalog in which these beautiful dogs is now in the hands of veterinarians around the country. The dogs we had with us, Maggie and Calvin, were real troupers. They ran through the fields with the cones on and eventually got tired out not because they had a cone around their necks but because, well, dogs get tired from running.

We had our shoot in the late afternoon when things are getting all golden. Yes, that's why photographers call the hour before sunset -- say it with me -- the golden hour. We were originally going to do two shoots, one on the beach, one in the mountains, but it turned out we just needed the one because we got so much variety in the foothills.

Anyway, here is a sample of our shoot. I'm not sure which ones ultimately made the catalog but these are the ones I liked.

Have a product you need showcased featuring animals? Give me a call and let's see if we can work together.


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