Vanity Fair, Young Hollywood Cover
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Friday, June 18, 2021
By Diana Lundin
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Ha, gotcha! There is no Vanity Fair cover. I'll walk you through my headline, though. Last September, I photographed a litter of nine Weimaraner puppies and their mother, Ryan O'Brien. Also in the photo was the puppies grandfather, Grayson. He's one of the Silver Eire Weimaraner champions. They were called the Literature Litter and one of the puppies was perched on two book volumes, which I created in Photoshop and called "Weimaraners in Literature" and "Silver Eire Weimaraner Champions." You probably haven't seen that image. I also did one for myself called "Dad Had the Fun Job," which won a lot of awards, including second place in the Professional Photographers of America's Grand Imaging Awards in January.

So cut to last week. Ryan O'Brien has had a second litter of puppies, and Silver Eire Weimaraner's Maureen Duffy has named them the Academy Litter. We brainstormed some ideas and thought that Vanity Fair's annual Young Hollywood edition would be pretty cool. I ordered one tux for all the boys with different color ties, (color ribbons and yarn are the only way to tell them apart at this age) and Maureen got some bling for the girls and I had the apple boxes and canvas backdrop you see that famous photographer use for the cover shoots.

At the time of the shoot, these babies were eight weeks old and ready to go to their new homes, just like last time. Five boys, three girls. In fact, Mr. Green's new dad was there for the shoot but... now keep up here... he went to live with his biological father immediately after the session. So Mr. Green has two dads.

We laid everything out, had a diagram of who went where, put the camera on a tripod so nothing moved, and commenced shooting each puppy individually. And voila, thanks to the magic of photo compositing, we have an image of the Academy Litter.

So here they are! And as a bonus, the Literature Litter, which I haven't shown myself.



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