Whine and Rosé Photo Shoot
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Friday, June 14, 2019
By Diana Lundin
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Wow, what a fabulous time we had last Saturday at our Days of Whine and Rosés event at a downtown Los Angeles photo studio! It was so much fun with expert sommelier Brianne Cohen pouring a number of specially curated rosés and me photographing dogs in a rosé-themed setting. And pink bubbly all day!

This is what I hope to do for you guys... design a fun activity that you can do with your dogs AND get a photo shoot out of it. Right?!? So let me know if you have some ideas (I have a lot) or you can subscribe to my newsletter for details of when I throw another one.

Oh wait, before I say more about the Whine and Rosé event, did you know that Yelp now includes a feature that can tell you if a business/restaurant is dog friendly? I mean, say what you will about Yelp, and I have, but that's a great feature for us pet lovers! That's my public service for today. But the photo studios that we've used for events the last two times have never had a dog party or even let dogs in. Sometimes all you have to do is ask. And vow there will be no accidents.

Anyway, pardon me for Squirrel!. I just had to let you know about the Yelp feature. The event was super fun and one of my favorite clients turned friend -- Robin -- won the grand prize of a photo shoot by me and a wine tasting class from Brianne. We had other little raffle prizes, including a pair of wine and dogs socks and a rosé dog toy. Oh, and a bottle of the rosé bubbly.

Oh yes, we are having an Ice Cream Social for Dogs on July 21. Shoot me an email for more details... I haven't had a moment to post the info yet. It'll be at Kriser's in Studio City and it's a benefit for Lisa Arturo's Big Love Animal Rescue.




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