Modern Pet Portraiture in Los Angeles
Vanity Fair, Young Hollywood Cover
Friday, June 18, 2021
Kirby Howell-Baptiste: Yeah, baby I'm going to ride your coattails!

Ha, gotcha! There is no Vanity Fair cover. I'll walk you through my headline, though. Last September, I photographed a litter of nine Weimaraner puppies and their mother, Ryan O'Brien. Also in the photo was the puppies grandfather, Grayson. He's one of the Silver Eire Weimaraner champions. They were called the Literature Litter and one of the puppies was perched on two book volumes, which I created in Photoshop and called "Weimaraners in Literature" and "Silver Eire Weimaraner Champions." You probably haven't seen that image. I also did one for myself called "Dad Had the Fun Job," which won a lot of awards, including second place in the Professional Photographers of America's Grand Imaging ...

Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Kirby Howell-Baptiste: Yeah, baby I'm going to ride your coattails!

Let’s just keep 2020 in our rearview mirrors and hope 2021 doesn’t have quite the sting! While my pet photography business fell off the ends of the earth during the first half of the year, once July hit, we were off and running (safely).Soul is always pure in the darkIf you recall from an earlier blog, I tried something, well, not exactly new, but a new series for me called “The Soul of a Dog.” They are images of dogs (and cats!) on a pure black background. The eyes are everything. You may think you are looking into your dog’s eyes… but your dog is looking into yours as well. One owner said, “It's like he knows everything I've done ...

Puppies Up for Adoption through Big Love
Friday, November 13, 2020
Kirby Howell-Baptiste: Yeah, baby I'm going to ride your coattails!

There are many rescues out there and I'll be honest, sometimes it's hard to know who is running a good rescue, who's in it to make money, who's deceiving the public, who's hoarding. That's probably the most controversial sentence I've ever written. I try to be pretty careful who I throw my lot in with. Don't get me wrong. I love to help rescues where I can. I take adoption photos and donate money and silent auction items to and run fund raisers with my ice cream socials and other group shoots.But one I really like is Big Love Animal Rescue run by Lisa Arturo. So when Lisa calls and needs some adoption photos, I'm happy to do so. Right now she has some puppies that are ready to find ...

Introducing The Soul of a Dog Signature Sessions
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Kirby Howell-Baptiste: Yeah, baby I'm going to ride your coattails!

Sometimes when you look into your dog's eyes, you can see straight into their souls. And sometimes, you can feel they're looking straight into yours. That's what my new pet photography sessions hope to capture. The Soul of a Dog.It's a simple shoot, really. It's a closeup image of your dog and more likely than not, of them looking directly at you.You know I do all kinds of work, from the natural outdoor images to staged ones. But The Soul of a Dog... I always feel there is so much going on behind those eyes. And of course it's cliche to say the eyes are the window to the soul. What an animal conveys with their eyes is absolutely soul stirring.I know a lot of people who think portraits of ...

Looking for Some Dog Volunteers for a Pet Photo Shoot
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Kirby Howell-Baptiste: Yeah, baby I'm going to ride your coattails!

Hey everyone, I always say I don't have a style but it turns out that after more than seven years I'm developing one. lol. And yet at the same time, I want to try something a little different.In that light, I am looking for four or five dog volunteers for a complimentary, short photo shoot at my Sherman Oaks home.While I can't tell you exactly what it will look like, because even I'm not positive until I test it, it will be more along the darker, moody images that I think has become my style. If you like light and bright, this isn't the shoot for you.It will be very minimal, no costumes, just 100 percent dog photographed in dark tones. Black animals are welcome. They look great in dark. A ...